Class Descriptions


Mindful Movement

Alignment based movement practice ensuring safety through transition of postures with a focus on breathing and discovering the benefits of the pose for each individual student.

Each pose is broken down to its basic shape and feeling in the students unique body. You will be encouraged to find the most supportive version of each posture using props or a different variation of the poses. This practice is about tuning into your body and experience.


Restorative Yoga

A very gentle practice in learning to relax. It is about connecting to your breath and body - aligning the physical and mental by practicing stillness for extended periods of time. Props assist in helping you gently release into poses, using bolsters, blankets, blocks & straps.

Photo by Ann Danilina on Unsplash

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra—known as yogic sleep—is a meditation and conscious relaxation practice that is intended to induce total physical, mental, and emotional relaxation. A typical yoga nidra practice is highly guided, and takes your attention to specific places through a series of steps. In many ways, the specific instructions make it easier to relax than in meditation.

Meditation Yoga with Char


A practice based on being still & learning to tune into the subtle cues given by the body, mind and heart. While there are many styles of meditation, the benefits and purpose remain the same, quieting the mind and connecting to your fullest potential.

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Private Yoga with Char, Amherstburg
Corporate Yoga with Char

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